Getting started with Git (and version control in general) can be…unusual at first. So before we embark on our Git learning adventure, let’s break things down into three manageable chunks. First, we’ll tackle the fundamental question: what exactly is version control? Then, we’ll explore the practical benefits of using Git specifically – why do we need to be using it? Finally, we’ll address the technical side of things: how do we get Git up and running on our machines? Once we’ve addressed these key aspects, we’ll be ready to start learning practical application of Git commands. So let’s get started!

What is Version Control?

Before getting started with the specifics of Git, let’s establish a foundational understanding of version control.

Imagine you’re designing a website. You begin with a solid foundation – the core structure. Then, you shift your focus to the header elements. Next, you build the footer. Then, you refine the main body elements. So on and so forth until the website is finished.

Version control tracks the specific changes you make at each stage of development. Think of it like a detailed logbook for your project’s evolution. If you ever need to revisit earlier versions, maybe to see how a design decision played out, version control allows you to revert back to those previous states.

Here you can see a demo. On the left is my previous version. The red line marks what specifically was changed. On the right is my current version with green showing the update.

Git is (arguably) the most common tool used for version control. Thus, for the remainder of this article we will use the terms Git and version control interchangeably.

Why Do We Need Git?

We’ve established that Git tracks changes made to your codebase over time. But why exactly should you, as a developer, be using Git?

Disaster Recovery

We’ve all been there. You’re working away when your computer decides to take a permanent dirt nap (or, more likely, experiences a software malfunction). Without Git, all your hard work could be gone. Git acts as a safety net. If disaster strikes, you can revert to a previous version, saving you from hours of lost progress. By far the biggest benefit to using Git.

Tracking Your Project’s History

With Git, you have a detailed log of every change ever made to your codebase. This allows you to track the project’s progress, identify who made specific changes, and revert back to a previous state if necessary. It’s a historical record of your development, providing valuable insights into your project’s evolution. (And unfortunately, I’ve sat through several meetings where we have gone far too in depth into these records for future project management timelines…)

Collaboration Made Easy

Imagine working alongside a team on a complex project. Multiple developers make changes to various parts of the codebase simultaneously. How do you avoid overwriting each other? Version control, particularly Git with its branching features, makes this collaborative process easy. Each developer works on their assigned tasks within their own branch. Git helps merge these changes back into the main codebase without conflicts. (More details on this later in the series.)


Ever had an idea that you want to try, but worried it might mess up your entire project? Git allows you to experiment easily. Create separate branches specifically for testing new features or bug fixes. This allows you to experiment without risking the stability of your main codebase. If your experiment goes wrong, discard the branch and revert back to a stable version.

Your Coding Portfolio

Git can be a powerful tool to showcase your coding skills. By hosting your Git repositories on platforms like GitHub, you demonstrate your development process, problem-solving abilities, and overall coding expertise to potential clients or employers.

Installing Git on Your Computer

Hopefully, you are convinced that Git is a valuable asset. So let’s get started setting up a local Git environment. The initial step involves downloading and installing Git on your machine. Head over to the official Git website ( and download the installer compatible with your operating system. The installation process is relatively straightforward, so simply follow the on-screen instructions.

Configure Your User Information

Once Git is installed, it’s recommended to configure it with your basic user information. This enables Git to identify your commits and contributions. (Again, more on this later in the series.) You can achieve this by opening a terminal window (Command Prompt on Windows, Terminal on macOS/Linux) and entering the following commands:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Replace “Your Name” with your actual name and “” with your preferred email address.

Command Line vs GUI

While Git primarily operates through the command line, there are numerous graphical user interface (GUI) clients available that can make interacting with Git more user-friendly. These clients provide a visual interface for managing your repositories, commits, and branches. Popular options include GitHub Desktop, SourceTree, and GitKraken. The decision of whether to utilize a GUI client or stick with the command line rests entirely with you.

Personally, I find the command line to be more efficient for navigating Git once you’re comfortable with the core concepts. However, GUI clients can be a great starting point, especially for visual learners.

Conclusion – Getting Started with Git

This guide has provided a foundational understanding of Git and its significance in development. We’ve explored the concept of version control, looked at the advantages of distributed version control systems like Git, and walked through setting up your local Git environment. Now, you’re ready to get started using Git! In the next part of this series, we’ll get started learning the basic Git commands: creating repositories, tracking changes, and making commits.

Categories: Git

Mitchell Opitz

Mitchell is a dedicated web developer with a flair for creativity, constantly exploring new horizons. Dive into his journey through web development, Arduino projects, and game development on his blog:
