Let’s talk about Google and mobile friendliness. Recently, John Mueller released a new article on the Google Search Central blog. Google announced that by July 5th, 2024, they’ll be essentially throwing websites that don’t function on mobile devices off the search results. Mobile first indexing is becoming exclusive.

This isn’t about having the fanciest mobile-optimized website (although that’s never a bad idea). Google just wants to ensure websites actually work on smartphones and tablets. For years, Google has been slowly moving towards a mobile-first indexing system. This means they prioritize websites that cater to mobile users in search results. It’s no surprise, really – most people these days are glued to their phones, myself included.

Mobile-First Indexing

Until now, Google used separate processes to crawl and index websites – one for desktops and one for mobiles. Think of it like having two filing cabinets for the same information, which is clunky at best. So, Google’s streamlining things. Starting July 5th, they’ll be using their mobile-focused indexing system exclusively. Here’s the potential problem: if your website doesn’t load or display correctly on a phone, it risks vanishing from search results altogether.

What About Legacy Websites?

Now, you might be thinking, “What about those dusty websites from the internet’s dial-up era?” Valid concern. There’s a wealth of valuable information on these veteran sites, and losing access would be a shame. Thankfully, Google isn’t out to become the digital librarian who throws out old books. They’ve clarified that most websites, even older ones, will likely be okay as long as they’re accessible on mobile devices. It’s really the websites that actively block mobile users or are so broken they can’t be displayed on a smaller screen that are in hot water.

Tools and Techniques for Mobile-First Indexing:

So, what does this mean for us developers? Honestly, for most of us, this probably won’t cause a huge headache. If you’re building a new website, make sure it’s responsive. In other words, it should adjust its layout to fit the screen size, whether it’s a desktop or a phone. There are tons of frameworks and libraries out there that make this a breeze these days.

But what if you’re stuck maintaining an older website that might have some mobile compatibility issues? Here are a couple of steps you can take:

  • Grab your phone and test it out: See how the website looks and functions. Can you navigate the menus easily? Does the text render clearly? Are there any images or elements that aren’t loading properly?
  • Google Search Console: This free tool from Google provides insights into how your website performs in search results. It also has a handy URL Inspection tool that lets you see how Google sees your website on mobile devices. This is gold for identifying any mobile-specific problems.

If you find some mobile usability gremlins, don’t panic! Fixing these issues is usually a matter of tweaking the code or using responsive design techniques. There are plenty of resources online and in the developer community to help you out.

My Take: A Necessary Evil or Google Power Grab?

Google’s move towards mobile-first indexing makes sense in a way. It ensures a smooth and frustration-free browsing experience for users, especially those on mobile devices. Plus, it simplifies things for developers by eliminating the need to worry about separate desktop and mobile indexing processes.

However, here’s what rubs me the wrong way: Google is essentially dictating how websites are built and displayed. While they claim this benefits users, it feels a bit like a power grab. Shouldn’t developers have more control over the user experience, especially for established websites that cater to a specific audience?

The Bottom Line: Adapt or Disappear

Whether you agree with Google’s heavy hand or not, the reality is this: mobile-first indexing is here to stay. As developers, it’s our job to adapt and ensure our websites are mobile-friendly. By doing so, we avoid getting delisted from search results and create a better user experience for the vast majority of people who search the web on their phones. It’s not ideal, but it is the new reality we face. So, the next time you’re coding, keep mobile users in mind. It’s a case of playing by Google’s rules or getting buried in the search results graveyard.

Categories: SEO

Mitchell Opitz

Mitchell is a dedicated web developer with a flair for creativity, constantly exploring new horizons. Dive into his journey through web development, Arduino projects, and game development on his blog: MitchellOpitz.net
